Moving Through to Let Go

In America we have this strong indoctrination to be happy all the time. The mass media depicts times of sadness or anger as ‘bad’ or something to fix, mostly with pharmaceutical drugs or entertainment options that mask our own aggression or sorrow in lieu of some sports demigod or actor. But what about our own aggression and sorrow? How are those being honored? This is not to say it is OK to lash out at people or hurt others or oneself. This is to say, it is not only good, but necessary for optimal well-being, to have a safe way to express these feelings, and, moreover, give yourself the permission and compassion to do so.

A mindfulness teacher once told me it only takes about 1 minute for any emotion to actually move through the consciousness. This is not long! But we are so used to running away from our discomfort we rarely take the time to move through these emotions so that they can then leave our bodies. Instead, we harbor them, let them build up, and then they release later, in a rage of screaming or a flood of tears.  Once we take the time and space to, safely, honor our dark places, out of a deeper love and compassion for our own needs and our own releasing, we can move into gratitude and peace more fully and with more ease. Today’s Experience is a perfect venue for releasing frustration in the mind, body, spirit complex and can be viewed here